Hosting a Diaper Drive

Who can host a diaper drive?
Anyone who has a desire to help infants and toddlers in need  
  • A family 
  • A group of friends 
  • A playgroup
  • Mom’s groups
  • A classroom
  • Schools
  • Neighborhoods
  • Scouting troops
  • Sunday School classes
  • Bible Study groups 
  • Youth groups
  • Churches
  • Service organizations
  • Civic groups
  • Businesses
  • Sororities/Fraternities 

    How can we get people interested and excited?
    • Host a kick-off event to advertise your drive and your goals
    • Set a poundage or diaper count goal
    • Create a chart, or “thermometer” to track your progress
    • Share/Email daily facts about the need for diapers and wipes for area infants and toddlers
    • Use collected diapers for events (in the package) like a diaper maze
    • Use a playpen, a crib or boxes in themed wrapping paper to collect diapers and wipes
    • Use a classic theme to include baby shower decorations
    • Use a creative theme like “Diaper Safari- hunting for diapers” and use jungle decorations
    • Use a creative theme like “Diapers Rock and Roll” and use 50s sock hop decorations
    • Use a creative theme like “Disco for Diapers” and use 70s disco decorations
    • Use a creative theme like “Diaper Roundup” and use western decorations
    • Use a creative theme like Winter Diaperland and use snowflake decorations
    • Use a creative theme like “Diaper Luau” and use luau decorations

      What are some special ways to help students connect to the diaper drive?
      • Challenge another class, grade, or even another school to collect diapers and wipes. Have the teachers or your principal challenge students to meet a diaper goal.
      • A Diaper Drive is a great project for students to start learning goal setting, organization, and marketing skills.
      • Use the concepts of poverty and philanthropy in your lesson plans. Discuss the cost of raising a family, minimum wage and the cost of diapers and other necessities as part of a family budget.
      • Teach your students about how they can make a difference in the life of someone they don’t even know.
      • Have a special diaper drive in each class for diapers of different sizes. Have the kindergarten classes collect newborn sizes, the fourth grade size 4s, etc. This will help ensure that diapers are collected in all the sizes needed in our community.

      Once all of the diapers and wipes are collected then what happens?
      • A volunteer will collect the diapers and wipes.  They will then be counted and distributed to an area non-profit organization.

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