Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Water and Wipes Playdate

The Water and Wipes Playdate was a huge success!  After dropping off older siblings for the first day of school, Moms and little kids met at the Sprinkler Park to play, visit and donate diapers and wipes.  Although it was hot, 15 Moms and 23 kids four and under joined in for this special event.  Thanks to everyone who came out!  282 diapers and 1248 wipes were collected.  The diapers and wipes will now be delivered to the Agape Pregnancy Resource Center and Children at Heart Ministries.

Round Rock Area Serving Center

192 diapers have been delivered to the Round Rock Area Serving Center thanks to the generous donations of caring individuals.  When we delivered the diapers we were told how diapers are always needed.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The First Box of Diapers

The first box of diapers has been donated.  On Monday morning when I arrived at school I was greeted by a box of Size 4 Pampers.  The diapers were kindly donated by a very caring kindergarten teacher at Great Oaks Elementary.  The diapers will now be delivered to the Round Rock Area Serving Center.  A toddler in Round Rock will soon have new diapers, just because one person opened their heart to a need in our community!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Getting Started

Thank you for taking the time to check out the blog.  After reaching out to family and friends, The Diaper Delivery has been started to provide diapers and wipes to families in need.  Several individuals and families have already offered to donate diapers and wipes.  The first event, Water and Wipes Playdate, is planned and several more are in the works.

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