Tuesday, July 24, 2012

MOPS-FBC Georgetown Collected Again!

The Moms from MOPS once again collected diapers for The Diaper Delivery.  196 diapers were delivered to Agape Pregnancy Resource Center thanks to their generosity.

In Lieu of Gifts...

Thanks to a special little boy's birthday 248 diapers and 60 wipes were donated to Children at Heart Ministries.  AJ's Mom thought it would be a nice idea to collect diapers and wipes in lieu of gifts at his birthday party.  Thanks to that selfless act many little ones had fresh diapers and wipes!

Donations from the Community

Thanks to caring individuals in the community who read The Diaper Delivery blog and donated, diapers and wipes have been donated to The Caring Place (67 diapers and 72 wipes) and Agape Pregnancy Resource Center (71 diapers).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Diapers for Austin Disaster Relief Network

455 Diapers and 176 Wipes donated to the Austin Disaster Relief Network, benefiting families impacted by the Central Texas Fires!  Thank you for your generosity!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Over 400 Diapers collected in less than 2 days!

Over 400 diapers and almost 200 wipes have already been collected.  Thanks so much for sweet friends who were so willing to help!

Helping families affected by Wildfires

I saw that diapers and wipes were needed by many families affected by the Central Texas Wildfires.  I will be collecting diapers and wipes and then delivering the donations to an Austin Disaster Relief Network location.

MOPS Diaper Drive

The members of MOPS-FBC collected 894 diapers and 336 wipes at their February meeting.  Donations were delivered to Agape Pregnancy Resource Center and Children at Heart Ministries.

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